Apple Watch

Control your Tesla from your Apple Watch using WiFi, cellular and Bluetooth.

  1. Download the Tessie iPhone app.
  2. On your Apple Watch, open Tessie.

If Tessie isn't listed on your Apple Watch, here's how to install it:

  1. Open the Watch app on your iPhone.
  2. Scroll down to Available Apps and tap Install.

Control your Tesla using Bluetooth

Enable Watch Key to add Auto Unlock, Walk Away Lock and Bluetooth controls to your watch.

Control your Tesla from your watch face

Use complications to control your Tesla from any Apple Watch face.

If you're not automatically signed in

First, restart both devices and then open Tessie on your iPhone.

If you're still not signed in on your Apple Watch, pending software updates might be preventing syncing between your devices. Apply any pending updates on both devices and then open Tessie on your iPhone.

If the app isn't listed under available or installed apps

Your Apple Watch might not be supported. Tessie requires functionality introduced by Apple in WatchOS 8.0. WatchOS 8.0+ is supported on Apple Watch Series 3 and up.

You can verify your WatchOS version in the Watch app by going to General > About > Version.

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