Charging Schedules

In 2024.26, Tesla implemented Tessie's Charging Schedules feature into the Tesla app and vehicle firmware.

To schedule charging, we recommend using this new feature, which is located in the Tessie app (version 13.7.42+) or Tesla app (version 4.36.0+) under Schedule.

Charging schedules restrict charging to the times and amps you want. By aligning your charging times to the cheapest electric rates, you can save a tremendous amount of money over time.

If the vehicle starts charging outside of your schedule, it will be stopped within a minute. On days without a schedule, the vehicle is free to charge anytime.

See Scheduled Charging Comparison to discover which charging option is best for you.

Create a charging schedule

Select Automation > Create > Charging Schedule.

Overriding schedules

You can press Start Charging or Stop Charging in the Tessie app to override charging schedules. Charging schedules will resume the next time you plug in.

Example: Charge during cheaper electric rates from 12am to 6am

Create a schedule from 12am to 6am and the vehicle will only charge from 12am to 6am.

Example: Charge on the weekend and during cheaper weekday electric rates from 12am to 6am

Create a schedule from Monday through Friday, 12am to 6am.

On Monday through Friday, the vehicle will only charge from 12am to 6am. On Saturday and Sunday, the vehicle is free to charge anytime.

Example: Charge outside of peak weekday electric rates like 2pm to 9pm

Create a schedule for Monday through Friday, 9pm to 2pm.

On Monday through Friday, the vehicle will only charge between 9pm-12am and 12am-2pm. On Saturday and Sunday, the vehicle is free to charge anytime.

Example: Prevent charging on certain days

Create a schedule for those days and set the time from 12:00am to 12:01am.

Example: Charge to 90% at night and 100% in the morning

Create a schedule for 9pm-9am then create two repeating automations:

  1. Set Charge Limit: 90% at 9pm. The vehicle will start charging at 9pm until it reaches 90%.
  2. Set Charge Limit: 100% at 7am. The vehicle will start charging at 7am until it reaches 100%.

The vehicle will automatically begin charging when the charge limit is 3% or more above the current level.

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